Monday, February 18, 2013


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Saturday, February 9, 2013


My inner WiLD HaiReD WaNDeReR is beginning to feel a little cabin fever and the pull of the OPeN RoaD......with Spring fast approaching,  I'm itching to hit the black top for a few road shows, art events and of course Texas Antiques Week!!

(photo source: pinterest)

But in the meantime, I'm logging many a long hour in the studio developing new jewelry designs and a new line of RePuRPoSeD, uPCyCLeD & ViNTaGe DiGS for your GyPSy SouL!!

(photo source: pinterest)
BTW, these first three beautiful photos are NOT mine........inspiration only :)
(photo source: pinterest)
These SuPeR FaBuLoUS GauDY as ALL GeT OuT PeaCoCKS are mine though.....scored at First Monday in Canton, Tx last summer!! They will soon be adorning one of the studio walls :)
And last, but certaintly not least.......inspiration for our FiRST EVeR Faith & Pearl t-shirt!!